AMASEIKUMO: A time for the water and land to rejoice in Gbaramatu Kingdom, by Asiayei Enaibo

Like a rock spring waters of life upon the trees below the valleys, a season where birds in the bush whistle their coming to play with humanity unarmed from the forest, Amaseikumo! My eyes have seen, my ears have heard your blessings, barefooted I stand at the entrance of Gbaraun Egbesu waiting for your tidal appearance, bless these men, let their tongue speak like I do.
Other masquerade tremble before it size and glamour, tread upon the purified Path before it legs step upon the sandy ground. Amaseikumo GBONGBONFIYEMOTORUBENWEI!
When Amaseikumo comes, the tide obeys it command in two directions, low tide comes when the ekiyansinmo items conveyed to Bini-Pere before our eyes, Oh the King of all masquerade, will be radiating it glorious significant wealths and peace, it silent steps adorn on us for it munificent appearance.
Amaseikumo is coming
OSUWOFINIPERE whose golden face, eyes closed and see beyond, bless these men, and let their tongue speak as I do.
Yes, the rain and sun obeys it striken commands. Upon the rain it rules the cloud as the blessings shower in form of rain like a money tree. Oh! Osuwofinipere bless these men and let their tongue speak as I do.
Chiefs in their white attires, the Kariwei and the worutuwawei softly wave their hands inviting other gods, Tompolo the begotten son of the land with his mysterious hat from Bini-Ebi Madinorbo Deity stood in a heavenly appearance, Chief Kestin PONDI, like an invincible money tree plumb in leaves upon Amaseikumo, others follow.
Oh! what a priceless tradition? What a glorious pride to our heritage as all evil drop down their powers to purify the land for its new beginning. Sweep away the Evil from the land and bless this kingdom, let them speak as I do.
Amaseikumo is coming OWUAMAPERE is here with us to increase our stream of blessings, oh! men and women, let what your eyes see bring in abundance of blessings upon your household.
Our land blessing increases in both day and night, for we have tread in the ways of our forefathers, we have come to appease the land for a new beginning, bless these men and women, let them speak of your praises as I do.
Amaseikumo is coming
OGIDIGAN, let you brighten red feathers, golden face of ages white radiant, the symbolic heavens and the un-decaying tradition of our pristine culture be on the lips of generation upon generation, bless these men and let them speak as I do.
Let Gbaramatu Kingdom be blessed
Let Ijaw nation be blessed
Let Niger Delta region experience your wealth of bronze of gold and light as you hold the day. Yes, ERINANAWEI is with us brighter than Apollo the Greek goddess, and let this wisdom that flows in the brain stream of the Talking Drum continually inspired by the gods to preserve our heritage overflow in us all.
Let the waters hear me speak, let the tide obey the laws of your going in as your coming was announced before the tide of nature, man and gods are here to witness the testimony of your bountiful blessings flow in nairas continue.
In every spring of equinox you have made us proud as our wealth and development speak for the essence of our joy, close the eyes of our enemies. Let Agadagbas be bless, let all kings be bless in Ijaw Nation, may you provide for these young girls and boys to count the goodness of your manifestation of the land, so be in Oporoza.
Asiayei Enaibo
The Talking Drum
Writes from GbaramatuVoice media organization