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We’re transporting ourselves to Egypt” – Nigerian Sudan Students Cry Out



By Sola Omoniyi, Lagos

Amid the ongoing war between two militaries in Sudan, Nigerian students trapped in the crisis have stated that they are contributing money to transport themselves to a nearby country, Egypt.

One of the students, Sadiq stated during an online interview with a Tv station that they do not know the particular date they will be evacuated from Sudan.

Sadiq said that the driver of the buses collected their International passport from them, insisting if the government failed to pay them, they won’t return the passports.

The criteria set to evacuate Nigerian students from Sudan have been abandoned, and it’s now a case of survival of the fittest.

The criteria were to pick some students from each state, but the criteria were abandoned.

“There is no date because we didn’t receive any information from the Embassy. Today, there is Zero presence of the embassy, so we don’t know actually. Right now students are planning to gather their money to transport themselves to Egypt” Sadiq said

“The criteria to select some percentage from every state based on the percentage of a number of the state association was only done for the first bus that was there, but for the second and the rest buses is the survival of the fittest, whoever goes in the first he will not go out.” Sadiq added
