Landlords risk 15-year jail term for renting out houses to “yahoo boys”
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has threatened to slam a 15-year jail term on landlords who are renting out their houses to internet fraudsters, popularly known as yahoo boys in Nigeria.
The Commission disclosed this ahead of the next edition of its public conversation series tagged, “#EFCCConnect,” which had been slated for 6 pm on Wednesday.
The EFCC, in a statement titled: “Give your house to Yahoo boys and spend 15 years in jail” said the Commission’s Legal and Prosecution Officers Sylvanus Tahir and Cosmos Ugwu will be in charge of Wednesday’s discussion.
It was learnt that the EFCC had constantly warned house owners and commercial real estate agents against making properties available to cyber criminals and fraudsters.
The commission’s Chairman, Abdulrasheed Bawa, had earlier stated that real estates were a haven for money launderers.
“Just last month, we discovered a retired civil servant built a university in Kaduna and nobody, including your members, reported such transactions. ’So, I’m still bold to say that the real estate sector is one of the easiest places for money launderers. That’s why we’re empowering SCUML with all the necessary tools to enable us to achieve our mandate, so whatever we are doing is backed by the law,” he added.