
Today, the drum peal is mainly to convey the missive of the High Priest of Gbaraun Egbesu, High Chief Government Oweizide Ekpemupolo, aka Dr. Tompolo. Hear him:
“Hear me, sons and daughters of Ijaw Nation, I have come to speak to you through the divine laws of our land as it was unwritten before I was born. I do not add or subtract. These are natural laws. It is abominable to do what is wrong and the consequences therein are huge.
“Egbesu is the supreme deity of the Ijaw Nation. Any contrary habits of these natural laws defile the land and the people. I am TOMPOLO. I hardly speak. But this is sacrosanct to our spiritual growth. Let us not allow borrowed Western traditions to invade our sacred beliefs and values. These norms define the African tradition and her worship institution. Any defilement to these ethics or ethos brings curses, destruction, and impedes our spiritual and physical well-being.
“Take this and be at peace with yourself, God, Egbesu, Amaseikumor Barugu, Agbinibor, Oyain, Ziba-Opuoru, and Ibolomoboere deities. What the gods forbid are man’s natural laws.
“Below are some of the laws and creeds you need to keep to attract the blessings of Woyin, especially Egbesu.
1.You must be holy at all times in mind and body because without holiness, no man shall see Woyin (God). However, I tell you it takes a lot of great courage to seek and see the face of God. You must have a pure and loving heart. Abstain from abominable and unnatural sexual habits and practices. The ultimate objective of Sex is purely for procreation with joy and loving erosion, which in essence means to multiply and fill the earth for the continuity of life. However, ensure that your free will to engage in sexual activity must be restricted to what Woyin permits. You must refrain from homosexual practice among men and lesbianism among women.
2 . A man must not have sexual intercourse with a woman when she is in her monthly flow. This defiles the man and the woman. Of course, you know most religions in the world preach against such practices. For men, do not allow your wives to climb on top of you to perform full sexual intercourse. Do not labour her to do so. You are the head and, therefore, must be on top and not bottom. Surely, our mothers who are traditional birth attendants can attest to the fact that a male child during delivery faces down while a female child faces up.
3. Thou shall not by any means use your tongue to suck the sexual organs of anyone. As a man, you must respect the woman’s sexual organ by not using your tongue because that is where you came from. Apart from that, most people using their tongues have mistakenly sucked women who are seeing their monthly flow. As for the women, do not suck the male organ or drink his sperm. For it is an abomination to Woyin. The breast of a woman is primarily to produce milk to feed babies as a source of food.
4. You must not pay evil for evil but forgive one another so that you can obtain forgiveness from Woyin. Thou shall by no means involve or get yourselves into any form of human blood oath-taking practices with another person, including your loved ones and spouses.
5. Take care of yourself so that you can help take care of others. Love yourself and love others. Don’t hurt yourself and others.
6. Oppression of citizens is man’s inhumanity to man. Always discuss with your wives that you need separate toiletries in bathing. Do this with persuasion and love because some of you have wives from other tribes and races who see nothing wrong in these practices.
7. Human sacrifices and rituals for whatever reason, such as wealth and/or personal security, are an abomination to Woyin. If you need money, work diligently and pray to Woyin through fasting and devotions, including vows, to get your blessings.
8. Thou shall not commit adultery with another man’s wife. It is an offence against man and God.
9. Thou shall not envy the progress of another human being, particularly a fellow Ijaw man.
10. Thou shall not steal.
11. Thou shall not kill except in self-defence and/or during war. Thou shall not betray one another to a stranger, body, or agency irrespective of your grievances.
12. As many of you who are involved in these practices should confess before the Chief Priest and other High Priests for cleansing and forgiveness. If you ignore all these laws and do not observe them diligently, you are attracting curses upon your life and for generations yet unborn. Your town or city shall be cursed during crisis because you are not holy to call upon Woyin.
13. Thou shall not have sexual intercourse with any of the following:
a. your mother as a boy;
b. your father as a girl;
c. your brother or sister.
14. Thou shall not plan evil against your brother through envy and jealousy irrespective of your gender. For it is an abomination against our divinities and your parents.
15. Thou shall not abort any pregnancy, for it is a murder. Your business is prone to collapse by other negative forces manipulating you, and this may cause obscure nights in your life.
16. Remember sexually transmitted diseases are too difficult to cure or something incurable, therefore having sexual discipline at all times is desideratum.
“If you do not hearken to the above laws when you call upon Woyin, Amaseikumor, and Barugu, they shall forsake you to live at your peril. Verily, I tell you, if you keep the laws of Egbesu, Woyin, Amaseikumor, and Barugu—if you keep the laws of Woyin and serve her in love, tolerance and in truth and spirit with a forgiving heart, and kindness—–these blessings shall follow you:
* Blessed shall be your towns and communities.
* Blessed shall be your children’s families and businesses.
* Blessed shall be your portion when you are embarking on your routine journeys.
* Woyin, Barugu, and all our divinities shall smite down your enemies during war and strife when they come against you.
* Anywhere you go goodness and mercy shall follow you. You will be on top of your peers. Nations upon nations shall recognize you because you have identified and adored our Creator–Woyin, the God of the Ijaws.
* Good health is guaranteed to be your portion. You shall have abundance at all levels and dimensions and respected by nations and not to be persecuted by anyone because Gbaraun Egbesu (Woyin) has all powers– protection, authority and blessings on the planet to give them to the Ijaws and their positive needs and desire as the chosen people on earth.
“However, Woyin and all her manifestations, such as Gbaraun Egbesu and all other Egbesus, Amasekumor, and Barugu, are merciful divinities that can forgive you at any point in time. Hearken to these natural laws to reshape your destiny and the future of your nationality.
“Natural laws are spiritual laws. The true way to the path of the divinities of our land is to obey the above-stated creeds and laws and be at one with your creator.
“Let those who have ears hear what the Spirit says to his people! Stay away from lies!”
And so High Chief (Dr) Government Oweizide Ekpemupolo from the University of Divinity spoke to his people. A stitch in time saves nine!
Asiayei Enaibo
The Talking Drum
SA to Dr. Tompolo on Osobor matters
Writes from GbaramatuVoice.