There are fathers that fathered Fathers to become fathers, they add values to the life of people and reform them through their ideas and leadership style for productive expansion of humanity from Kingdom to kingdoms, from Nation to Nations, their legacies made men to become upright fathers and no father lives in isolation without the mentorship of great fathers.
His Royal Majesty, the Pere of Ogulagha Kingdom, Agbonu! the Ebenanaowei of Ogulagha Kingdom. Capt. Elder Joseph I.Timiyan JP ( PhD), You are a father worthy in the realm of fatherhood and may your reign be fruitful as you father the Ogulagha Kingdom in a progressive turnaround, I have come to celebrate you.
Yes, a father that breast feed other fathers to become fathers and continue the legacies of fatherhood, HRM the Pere of Gbaramatu Kingdom, Aketekpe! Agadagba! Oboro Gbaraun 11, the king who has fathered fathers for the betterment of the Ijaw Nation, may your reign be peaceful as you father the ancient Gbaramatu Kingdom, the International Father’s Day is for you.
Your wisdom set you apart, your eloquent prowess has raised generations born and unborn to know the value of kindness, you strengthen the less fathers to become supper fathers that their children now call them fathers, HRM. PS.Luke (JP) Kalanama (Viii), the Pere of Akugbene Mein Kingdom, may your reign continue to transform your subjects as you father the great Akugbene Mein Kingdom.
A father who holds firmly to father His kingdom and understand the tidal flows of tolerance within the topmost urban eyes of the Ijaws in Delta State, His Royal Majesty, King Couple Oromoni, Mobene III, Ama-Okosu, the paramount ruler of Ogbe-Ijoh Warri Kingdom, today is a double celebration fixed by God, may your reign be peaceful as you are worthy of celebration as you Father Ogbe-Ijoh the Warri Kingdom.
Father to the fatherless, the giver and the builder of a nation, the Father that fathers depend upon to father other fathers, the pathfinder to fathers who cannot father themselves to be fathers
to become fathers because you have fathered them, High Chief Government Oweizide Ekpemupolo aka Tompolo. On this auspicious day of International father’s Day, may God uplift you as you wear the fatherly crown to father fathers in Ijaw nation and those you have fathered are also
Fathering fathers to continue the league of fatherhood. May all your labours toward building fathers be rewarded today and forever.
Happy international Father’s day.
Asiayei Enaibo
Talking Drum
Writes from GbaramatuVoice Media Centre.