KING IS KING, By Asiayei Enaibo

Crowned and coronated before the eyes of the gods, man and God, he passes through the rigorous pathway of the land, some sing praises, others look with joy, and some silence their voices because of interest, who God has chosen, the gods perform the traditional rites then the people called him their king.
King is King!
It is a deep philosophical thought over the years, in the traditional stool of royalty where men sat on their forefathers’ throne to watch over their subjects, the people choose their king in line with ethics and values of their aged long culture to practice those things that define their root as an identity to the world, kings or Pere, Ibenanawei, among the Ijaws or Traditional Rulers are regarded as the custodian of their customs, tradition, beliefs, norms, ethics and cultural heritage. They are sacred people with proven integrity, spiritually, morally, and physically.
King is King, with golden or mud edifice. He is a king who rules over his people.
King is King, even when he’s with golden yacht or canoe to visit his subjects’ Communities, the people honour him.
King is King, with or without a fleet of cars or in a Keke. He has chiefs that call him king.
King is King, because government gave him staff of office as a recognized institution, he is a king.
King is King, all fingers are not equal, he seats on an old throne, the people referred to as our ancestral throne.
King is King, he has no money to take care of himself, we should blame his subjects for not taking care of their king. Add value to your king, for he is the king of the land.
No first class king in the side of God, all are kings, it depends on the people’s awareness to elevate their kingdom and sing his praises and others will accept the song, then he is a first class king.
You all are kings, some are blessed due to environment naturally, not all Riches are same, you must align with others to exalt your own throne through love, peace, free of jealousy, no envy, hard works, passion, royal loyalty, smart, and educate yourself like others.
King is King, teach yourself the leadership of self-esteem. Avoid begging to survive, make a statement as the eyes of the land as the Ibenanawei, you can’t go hungry on the throne, God forbid! Be firm in your decisions, treat the poor and the rich equal love, value women and children, for they are sacred to the land. Don’t condemn the belief of others, let your beliefs and the belief of the land guide your throne, enact new laws, but don’t force the people on it, the old people are sage, they have worked with your father before you, value them with the scepter of authority.
I am a king, and king is king.
Don’t allow the Royalty and affluence of others to intimidate your throne, seek good advice, and watch the lips of liars. Don’t hate your subjects, no matter the provocations. And do not rule the people in fear.
Let people talk to you, and you talk to people, kings do not cry, but many kings die in silent pains. Feel free to share your thoughts through jokes and laugh away your burdens. Kings are joy givers.
I am a king, king is king!
Asiayei Enaibo
The Talking Drum
Writes from GbaramatuVoice.
(Bobougbene community)