Marry Your Mother If You Want Wife Who Cooks Like Her – Pastor Yemi Davids

By Sola Omoniyi, Lagos
Senior Pastor at Global Impact Church, Yemi Davids, has of the opinion that people who compare their spouses to their parents say if they want a spouse like their parents, they should marry their parents.
The clergyman, while addressing his congregation at the Lagos headquarters of his church, said:
“Your wife doesn’t have to cook like your mum; if you want someone that can cook like your mum, marry your mum.
“Your husband doesn’t have to be as rich as your dad, yes o, we are a work in progress.”
He continued his teaching, mimicking women who pressurise their husbands for a more cushioned lifestyle.
“When are we going to buy our second car? When are we changing the fridge,’ Davids continued to mimic as the congregation continued to cheer.
“Calm down, maybe your dad was stealing money, we don’t know, maybe, but don’t put pressure on people.”