
With different manifestos, with different promises to even the ancestors, the living are always anxious of what gain they could get, shared among their two jaws, bring it let’s share it and chop it, who Democracy help?
Both the illiterate and literate candidates speak their words, Some eloquently express a great hope of tomorrow, the party members hail their candidates, he is the most qualified, the oppositions care not about his eloquence, “na english we wan chop?”
Share the money, anything beyond that, he is a bad leader, yes some of us have shared and ate their futures and then have been in pains for long, yes many are willing to decamp to another political canoe after they have eaten their shares.
We must gain two things, pains of bad governance, yes, gain the shares for our temporary survival, those with good game plans as decampee are sometimes lucky to gain appointments.
When your candidates fails at that material time, you gain pains for loosing your mental political appointments to be in a convoy, then, your plans to be the big man becomes a silent pains, so no one is willing no loose his opportunity and that is where we lose integrity, the Professors too who taught in the universities of bad government and corruption introduced a new paradigm shift in their curriculum to rig, to be appointed as Chairman of Governing council and VCs, what gain is to Democracy?
Politics, pains and gains, those who are in position sometimes are aware that they are not doing well. So who is the Saviour in this Ekoriko?
We can’t sell our Palm oils in Bobougbene because there is no money, my grand mother return from fishing in Ayakoromo river, there is no buying to buy her fish for she to buy garri to eat, then we in the cities use money to buy money at a very high rate, yes we are in Democracy, what is actually democracy?
Suffering of the people by the suffering and smiling people because people are coming into power?
We must rig pain to gain the pleasure of power, the failed people weep, and those who wins sing their party slogan, and after the man has won, in four years, he was still paying the debt in incurred over the years and those who were happy then, decamp to other parties to castigate him of been selfish.
If he is not economical to pay his political debt, where you trick to rig for him, where will he have money to pay his debt, so he has no business with your community progress, yes he will give himself all the contracts and empowerments to help him have more money to sustain his power.
*Nigeria; the weeping Nation, as the predicted flood will come again for our sins in Democracy as it is the bane of our uncivilized plans for the future, the pains and gains in politics*
But one thing we must acknowledge is that we also have good leaders who are poor and refuse to risk themselves into power to do what is good for the common people.
Down seat and condemn the bad but you decided to be the philosopher follower to be the tail not the head, 2023 election is at the peak of the Nation decision making process, but those who believe life is about risk taking will continue to enjoy the gain, while we groan in pains of the hardship we fail to embark upon the risk.
Yes farmers see their products rotten as no buyer is coming to buy the farm produce, unusual increase of living, yes I have stop my children to go to school in recent time because we could not afford to pay Keke transportation fees on daily basis, yes is this the Country of our heroes past?
I, in one way or the other contributed to this suffering we are in, you in one way or the other contributed to this suffering we are in, so who do we blame?
Weep not Oh Nigeria!
Weep Not as we do not follow what is right but what we could gain temporarily and pains to all.
This is the unbalanced situation of the pleasures of politics and the unpleasant gain of a dying Nation.
Weep Not Oh Nigeria, it is what you planted you reap!
Hardship, economic strangulation, impoverishment rigs bell to all the doorposts to Nigerians, no one is at peace in one challenges or the other, the clock ticks with uncertainties, many are jubilating, when all grandmother’s dug out their old savings to the banks, and their money sold to them again against voting buying policies, is this the Democracy they brought to us?
In every town hall meetings, we celebrated failed leaders with trumpet as praise singer to get one new naira note, yes light estimated bills are posted to us at the end of every month, what is even Democracy, pains and groaning suffering becomes the gains of the masses.
The political Oracles we hail at all times without development, yes renovated schools without chairs in the rural coastal communities that flood ravaged annually without master plans.
Yes insecurity is waxing stronger, protest, fire out breaks, herdsmen attack, unknown gun.men are the changes we see in Democracy, politics, pains and gains, those in powers gain the temporary accumulated wealths to buy votes when elections come, what is what is actually the plans of Nigerians Democracy?
Tomorrow, China will call us as loan citizens awaiting to work in their factories like the slavery era of a new freedom.
Yes the hardship is telling on us, those whose parents are late in the coastal areas of the Niger Delta region are testifying that my Testimony goes like this, if supposing in this hardship, “if say my papa and mama still dey alive, how could I feed them? Yes we can’t take care of ourselves anymore, the country’s social responsibility is now a personal affair, yes danger in Democracy is getting more dangerous.
We all are at the edge of dying in Democracy as we borrow democracy for more borrowing and loan to gain positions and pain we gain.
A thick cloud hovering around us, economic crisis with political protest, then climate change to engulf our roofs again if we fail to plan in Nigeria, yes leaders should be accountable, transparent to those they represent.
Asiayei Enaibo
The Talking Drum
Writes from GbaramatuVoice media organization.