By: Enewaridideke Ekanpou Every dance bows to time on the stage; So it is with the dance duration of Sheriff on the stage. In...
By: Enewaridideke Ekanpou Troops trained track treason beyond trace without trading like that tempted trooper. Sometimes trained troops trade and trail their commanders to...
By: Enewaridideke Ekanpou They lived in this world; they are still living in this world. Once on earth they told their stories unfazed by...
By Peters Monday, Abuja Educated at Ayakoromo Grammar School, Delta State University, Abraka and University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Ekanpou Enewaridideke is an award-winning Ayakoromo-born writer...
By: Ekanpou Enewaridideke Sometimes time flies beyond definitive appropriation and dismantles historical authenticity and compels one to journey on the prefatory path of folktales...
By Ekanpou Enewaridideke Once upon a time I have been assailed and tempted.Terminologically. Neologically. ‘Transliteratively’. Defensively. Like a civet cat drunk and asleep on the raffia...
By: Ekanpou Enewaridideke Politicians are always materials out of which stories are created wherever they go to – even if on a casual visit....
By Ekanpou Enewaridideke Chief Dr Julius Takeme, a memorably situated transporter of transformational theories and thoughts, UN Peace Ambassador, Justice of Peace in Delta State, fellow...
BY EKANPOU ENEWARIDIDEKE This is the season of imaginative creation of theft of intellectual property; this is the season of claimed sampling of songs; this...
BY EKANPOU ENEWARIDIDEKE There are moments language is specifically summoned to do a countervailing job.This happens when wrong notions and theories are created to mislead people...