The Izonebi Alfred Awaited in May 2025, By Enewaridideke Ekanpou

BY: Enewaridideke Ekanpou
Dr Izonebi Alfred, always kingly in every musical composition and stunning stage performances, celebrated globally as JKing by music enthusiasts and lovers, the exceptionally endowed highlife musician from Ndoro and Torugbene, yet with umbilical links to Oyangbene, in Delta and Bayelsa States whose ‘Dibi’ song took the music world by storm is currently the king of the Ijaw music world by critical assessment with his current song ‘Mienkemedonmo’ which thematically centres on how to enthusiastically celebrate those who merit it by their achievements in life however it makes the enemies envious of such celebrations and show of love. It is currently the song music lovers play and respond to rhythmically in varied dance steps in every Ijaw gathering.
The ‘Mienkemedonmo’ song which has begun its journey across the music world like a wild harmattan fire is a herald of a new book written on Dr Alfred by a brilliant collection of university dons from Niger Delta University, Amassoma, and University of Africa, Toru-orua in Bayelsa State. The book, LIFE AND MELODIES:THE MUSIC REALM OF IZON-EBI ALFRED, billed to be presented to the public in May 2025, explores the musical achievements of Dr Alfred whose legendary music career began from childhood.
The expectations of eagerness to read this awaited book, and the thematically and rhythmically captivating song ‘Mienkemedonmo’ are the current navigators and rulers of the Ijaw music world. While the ‘Mienkemedonmo’ song is being applauded and enjoyed, all music lovers are waiting with baited breath to see Alfred’s awaited book launched alongside his music studio and a civic centre in May 2025.
With the awaited book and the ‘Mienkemedonmo’ song musically raging and ravaging the world of music listenership in positively borderless direction, it leaves no one in doubt that Dr Izonebi Alfred remains the unbeatable music force in the Ijaw music industry, yet he does not cry his music ‘tigritude’; only the skillfully composed released songs cry the music tigritude’ and kingship of Alfred as they globalise Ijaw music beyond the traditional shores through digital technology avidly embraced by Dr Izonebi Alfred.
Ekanpou writes from Akparemogbene in Delta State