The new phase of Burutu

The new phase of Burutu
Let the new phase of Burutu LGA begin with the heavenly mandate and the transformation master. Let the More for Burutu Agenda begin with the comrade chairman. The man of the youth is here. The grassroots mobilizer and the Oracle of the people. The mouth piece of the underprivileged and the voiceless people of southern Nigeria, he is no other person but Comrade Ozobo Austin. The best option for Burutu LGA for now. The man with the independent power plan for every community in the Burutu. The man with the vision to desalinate the salt water to fresh water in the Burutu community. The man to pay Bursary and award Scholarship for Burutu students, Free grant for traders, Support for elders, health, education, security NDA, JAMB and empowerment for women and youths.
Support Comrade Ozobo Austin
For Burutu LGA chairman.
Powered by Ozobo friends in Diaspora.