Asiayei Enaibo
The night was too heavy, the appearance was so angelic, placed a pen before my hand to write, at three occasions I denied the Voice, the fourth voice said to me “man, obeys the instructions of God to preserve it in the human archive, you are only a privilege channel to do this, write the “Book of Otuaro” and We shall guide you” the voice echoed from afar and, others were hailing the name Otuaro and the crowd consumed my eyes to see through, both old and young, men and women all bearing palm fronts and the floor was decorated with white, suddenly, Otuaro appears, as the mob shouting, Rejoice, Rejoice! happiness gradually woke me up from my faintly sleep.
I have decided to write this book to add to the existing 66 books of the Bible to make it 67.This is the second to the last book before revelation and it is called the Book of Otuaro and in this Book I am the new John The Baptist, Messenger sent to proclaim the coming of the Deputy Governor of Delta State Barr. Kingsley Burutu Otuaro for the 5th year Anniversary of GbaramatuVoice
As the Talking Drum, to echo the coming of Otuaro to the Ijaws of DELTA STATE. Set your net deep to the Waters, Otuaro said to his IJAW brothers for you will catch abundance of fishes and development that you have toiled for years with tears of bombardment, Ijaws, cry no more as the master is coming for the time is near. For Asiayei Enaibo is only a messenger who has come to announce the coming of Kingsley Otuaro to redeem our age long suffering and prejudice labeled against us when we speak for development and they in return made us homeless but in the book of Otuaro our bombarded homes will be reconstructed even better than they were.
In the book of Otuaro chapter 1: vs. 7.
“When the people unite in one voice and walk according to the directives of their God, no external forces can separate them for their unity will continue to strengthen their visions to gain what they failed to gain in disunity” and the time is now.
The deputy Governor of DELTA STATE, like the turbulent period of the Niger Delta militancy as a result of Underdevelopment, when Goodluck Jonathan was the Vice president, he moved to the creeks and restored peace to the Niger Delta for peace, stabilisation, development and economic boom. This is same thing to Otuaro as Deputy Governor of Delta State. He moves to the most dreaded areas of the Delta troubled regions and restore peace. As God was pleased with his son he sent on earth, Governor Okowa too was pleased with Otuaro for the Father and the son are one. Atlast peace in Delta State restored during the Almighty invincible Avengers, is Otuaro not Second Jesus Christ to Deltans? The humility and down to earthiness of Otuaro is preparation of the first Ijaw Governor of DELTA STATE.
I am the Talking Drum of the Niger Delta, the Second John The Baptist of The Ijaws Messiah and the saviour to the Deltans is here. Set your palm fronts with humility as Otuaro make entries Triumphantly into the Throne of Governance as GbaramatuVoice award him the Best Deputy Governor of the Niger Delta region.
I have met the Deputy Governor, Barr. Kingsley Burutu Otuaro for the second time. This happened at Asaba.
Yes, as GbaramatuVoice 5th Anniversary is very close, We have to make extra moves to achieve good results. When you want to make a difference in life, there are people who will extend connected hatred to people. Any time you are there, the gatekeeper already has your photo; “anytime you see this face, lock the gate. I am not at home”. That is just extended hatred. You know some big men only believe in their aides and friends. Once they hate someone their Boss too must hate that person but the case at this gate is different, the Gate of Otuaro is a gate of hospitality and humility as the leader is the head of love, so the followers are lovers of love.
The day was very threatening as the weather transmogrified. If it rains, it will only expose my mental frustrations of I had no where to hide as for a long walks to Government House.This rain would be too heavy on my head and my documents to submit would not be safe internal prayers to halt the rain.
Before submitting my first letter to Government House, the people at the Gate asked me series of questions, “Where are you going?” With my big ID card on my neck, they did not care, “Taking a Letter to who? And I replied, Governor Sir, Governor? From where, Gbaramatu Voice, You came from Gbaramatu Kingdom this morning? I replied yes, I paddled through Onisha, Asaba River and my canoe is tied at the water front”. The security man smiled and said ” DEPUTY GOVERNOR PEOPLE” I said to myself that by this time 2023, the security men at this gate will not address me as DEPUTY GOVERNOR people but Governor brother.
Yes, Gbaramatu Voice Media Centre to Award Barr. Kingsley Burutu Otuaro as the best Deputy Governor of the Niger Delta region on her 5th year Anniversary to tell the world the Godly peace building role of Barr. Dcn. Kingsley Otuaro since his ascension into governance. This award is far from sentimentally preconcieved notion, but it is purely an award of meritorious service in the activities of peace, community development, negotiations, intermediation, peace and conflict stabilisation in DELTA STATE where the Deputy Governor serve under the tutelage of His Excellency Sen Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, the most meek Governor of DELTA STATE who allows his deputy to work as Deputy under good leadership and governance.
If what I am saying or writing is not true to you, you can even doubt Jesus if you see him today. For doubting is symptom of a weak mind.
So, GbaramatuVoice 5th Anniversary on the 29th and 30th of September. These dignified personalities will be awarded at Hotel Presidential, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, along side with other dignitaries.
Dear Governor Okowa, you need to read the Book of Otuaro to all Deltans and enforce it in their hearts for every humility has its own corresponding pay back as good Masters build good followers and you are a good leader and Barr. Kingsley Otuaro is a humble follower. Therefore, it is time for Deltans to imprint on all T-shirts “The Book of Otuaro” 2023. I am not campaigning, for the Gbaramatu Voice Awards await you all. Or is my prophecy too early?
“For I am a fisherman who understands the tides of the river, follow me for you will not go aground at low tide”. Book of Otuaro chapter 2 vs 11.
Finally, I submitted my Letter of Award and meet with the Deputy Governor as he was so pleased to see me as he has severally wanted to see me.
” GbaramatuVoice is our dream that we all need to support it to grow to compete globally with other media outlets, Yes, Asiayei Enaibo, I love your sense of creative humour, so real like the love I have for Ekanpou’s writings. I am a Lawyer but I love good literary works as it flow to the inner sense of our thinking, even being busy I still read them”.
My long working day turned out to be a joyful heart talking to a visionary leader, like the way Jesus spoke meekly with his disciples, for indeed I am deeply wounded with joy, and if happiness is a physical load people would have seen me carrying that load on my head coming out from the office. I have seen the Deputy Governor again
11th September 2020.
Dear IZONEBI ALFRED, your song “DELTA IJAW” is a confirmation of Otuaro in the Book of Otuaro chapter 3: vs 2.
“Let all the Ijaws come together and form one accord and prepare for victory come 2023”.
For the Gbaramatu Voice 5th Anniversary is another history in the Niger Delta region with the theme, “Peace, Security and Development” in the Niger Delta and will centre on critical new research areas and sustainable development goals.
Do not try to persecute a royal messenger for his message cannot be harmed. I am only a prophet like as the time of old in the canoe of Jacob Abai’s visions.
Friends, comrades, Critics, writers and political Associate, hear me, I am not here to praise Otuaro but to speak of his humility, visions and hospitality to Deltans.
The Book of Otuaro to be continued.
Asiayei Enaibo
The Talking Drum.
Writes from GbaramatuVoice Media Centre.
First Published on the 14th Sept. 2020