Tompolo not dead, not down with stroke -Ozobo replies fake news peddlers

By Miracle Esegha
Renowned Niger Delta activist Comrade Ozobo Austin has debunked the alleged death rumour peddled against High Chief (Dr) Government Oweizide Ekpemupolo alias Tompolo by infamous news platforms, the Sapele Mega voice and the secret reporters paraded by one Oliver since Monday this week.
This was contained in a statement signed and issued by himself and sent to Congress correspondent on Friday morning.
In the statement, he said he had been inundated with calls daily by private individuals, journalists, corporate bodies and government functionaries since Monday, investigating the authenticity of Tompolo’s death and being down with stroke rumours.
In the statement titled, “Tompolo not dead, not down with stroke” he said his attention had been drawn to unscrupulous and dumbfounded lies peddled by a quack news platform called Sapele Mega Voice and Secret reporters owned by Olivers alleging that High Chief (Dr) Government Oweizide Ekpemupolo Alias Tompolo is dead, and the latter misinforming the public that Tompolo is down with stroke.
While clarifying, he stated unequivocally that Tompolo is sound and healthy, adding that he is not dead and not down with a stroke and that Tompolo had been appearing on cameras attending to his traditional activities in Oqulagha since Monday till date.
He warned Sapele Mega voice, Secret reporters and its sponsors to desist from peddling fake death and stroke rumours against Tompolo, stressing that they could be arrested and sent to prison.
The statement reads, “My attention has been drawn to unscrupulous and dumbfounded lies by quack news platforms called Sapele Mega Voice and Secret reporter owned by Olivers alleging that High Chief (Dr) Government Oweizide Ekpemupolo Alias Tompolo is dead, and latter misinforming the public that Tompolo is down with stroke.
“It is not my style to join issues with unserious people but am doing this to straighten the record because silent means consent.
“I have been inundated with calls on daily private individuals, journalists, corporate bodies and government functionaries since Monday, investigating the authenticity of the Tom poPolo’seath and being down with stroke rumour “I want to state unequivocally that Tompolo is sound and healthy. He is not dead and not down with a stroke. These fake stories are from the pit of hell. I don’t understand what this fake news peddlers and their sponsors stand to gain by wishing a man who has suffered and sacrificed so much for the Niger Delta people.
“The advice the general public to disregard and ignore such unfounded lies and self-serving deceptions, and that Tompolo has been appearing on cameras attending to his traditional activities in Oqulagha since Monday,” he added.