
By Awwal Abdullahi Aliyu
Yes! It is not out of place to protest, particularly when there’s justification to do that. However, we, as Senior citizens must see ourselves as role models to those yet to attain our status. Therefore, It behoves on us, to conduct ourselves in a manner that will earn us the respect we deserve.
Whether anyone likes it or not, in any group or organization, there must be representatives, and amongst the representatives, there must be a leader.
You may accuse them of taking sides with government as some of us always do, the truth is, the 5-man Ministerial Standing Committee On Military Veterans Welfare remains the only recognized body that those in authority identifies and liaise with on Veterans welfare matters. Hate them or like them, as it stands today, they are doing their best and nobody can do otherwise.
In the last one week or more, our committee has been liaising with government over our unpaid allowances and from the feedback we are getting, there’s absolutely nothing to suggest that the government is unwilling to pay us the owed allowances.
This may have taken a bit longer than we expected. However, our committee has consistently made a case for early releases. First, on the issue of the 20/28% and the 32K flat rate including arrears, the MPB Chairman witnessed the approval of both allowances when he visited the HMoF in his office few weeks ago. At the moment, we are anxiously waiting for release of funds to the MPB for implementation and payment.
On the issue of palliative. All of us are aware of the initial set back. From the initial mode of generating the list of beneficiaries, which sparked off controversy, and which eventually fell under the supervision of the MPB, to the investigation of misappropriation levelled against the supervising Ministry Of Humanitarian Affairs And Poverty Alleviation under the former Minister.
Moving forward, the Chairman of the 5-man Ministerial Standing Committee, Air Cdre Femi Oguntuyi, Rtd, mni, led his team to meet with Dr Abubakar Kana, PS MoD, on Monday, 18 November, 2024.
Today, Thursday, 21 November, 2024, the PS MoD, will be leading the 5-man Ministerial Committee members and some selected Veterans within Abuja to a meeting with the HMoHA in his office. This is an indication that the issue of the approved palliative by the President is still in contention and will be paid as directed by Mr President.
It will therefore amount to an act of irresponsibility on our part as Senior Citizens, to be negotiating with government on one hand and at the same time spoiling for war when we are yet to pull-out from the negotiating table.
Besides, we cannot be fighting with divided voices and expect government to take us seriously. In the last 48 hours we have been called by 3 different Senior officials of the DSS, to find out the involvement of CCV in the proposed protest, and of course, our answer is simple. CCV and by extension the 5-man Ministerial Standing Committee are not aware and do not know the organizers.
All those trying to create division on the excuse that the 5-man Committee are not doing enough or have been compromised are doing more harm than good. If allowed and encouraged to continue, we will be the biggest losers. Some of us have come a long way in this struggle and we have mastered the art of diplomacy and the right trimming to make our voices
By Awwal Abdullahi Aliyu
Spokesperson of Ministerial Standing Committee On Military Veterans Welfare