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50th birthday: Genepet Nig Ltd congratulates chief Ikiyegha



By Timi Black
Chief Correspondent

The management and staff of Genepet Nig Limited have heartily celebrated their boss, double Chief Peter Ikiyegha
Amadiwei of the Ogulagha Kingdom and Kurokeme of the Ogbe-Ijoh Warri Kingdom, which they described as Outstanding Leader and Chief Executive officer of the firm, during his Golden Jubilee Celebration (50th Birth Anniversary).

They stated, “Dear Chief, Your Sterling leadership and business acumen have continued to open the paths to prosperity for this Organisation.

“We wish you Sound health and more prosperous years ahead.
Happy Birthday and Congratulations CEO.”

Read full the statement.

Genepet Nig. LTD

The management and staff of Genepet Nig Limited heartily celebrate our Outstanding Leader and Chief Executive officer, on his Golden Jubilee Celebration – 50th Birth Anniversary.

Dear Chief, Your Sterling leadership and business acumen have continued to open the paths to prosperity for this Organisation.

We wish you Sound health and More prosperous years ahead.
Happy Birthday and Congratulations CEO.

Double Chief Peter Ikiyegha
Amadiwei of Ogulagha Kingdom and Kurokeme of Ogbe-Ijoh Warri Kingdom
