World News
Motivational Strips Founder Conducts Seminar for SET Students and faculty
Bangalore: The students, professors, lecturers and teachers were thrilled after having participated in the one hour seminar conducted by Mr Shiju H. Pallithazheth, founder of Motivational Strips, the world’s most active writers forum. The academy hall of Soundarya Educational Trust was filled with representatives of media, SET management, faculty members and high school students.
Mr Shiju conducted the seminar on a wise topic which he had titled as “A Synopsis Of Knowing Self”. The interesting seminar highlighted some powerful realizations on human empowerment and society.
The key content matters spoke about people wasting time to criticize others while much productivity could be achieved by spending that time in criticizing oneself. He also highlighted that one could only approach growth when one wants to learn more. Success culminates with greed for knowledge and understanding the people around. He also spoke on some key facts which highlighted about society. He said that society makes or breaks the people around it, and thus it becomes important that the humans appreciate society as much as self.
The seminar was inaugurated by Mr Shiju lighting the traditional lamp of prosperity and peace. The inaugural tradition was followed up by SET managing trustee Dr. Pratiksha Keerthan Kumar and Principal of Soundarya Central School Ms Renukadevi Ravada lighting and brightening the lamp. The entire event was coordinated by Sr Faculty Member of SET Ms Sreekala P. Vijayan. It was interesting to note that her latest poetry book titled “Poetic Nectar” along with a poetry anthology written by students from India and abroad titled “The Burgeons” was launched by the founder of Motivational Strips.
The CEO of Soundarya Educational Trust Mr Keerthan Kumar thanked Author Shiju H Pallithazheth for having taken time from his hectic schedules to empower the faculty members along with high school, graduate and post graduate students of Soundarya Educational Trust.
Dr . Pratiksha Keerthan Kumar, managing trustee of SET, expressed confidence on the positive future of academic students after having heard the motivational inputs delivered by Mr Shiju during the session. She added that such seminars could awaken the productive needs of worldwide students and teachers.