Confab leadership commends magistrate, Azuka for regular visits to police cells, stations
By Timi Black
The leadership of the Conference for the Actualization of Human Rights, CAHR, has commended Magistrate Egbon Azuka for his regular visit to police stations under his jurisdiction.
(Magistrate Asuka)
The rights group equally expressed confidence in the DPO Enerhen police division, Warri, Delta state for zero tolerance of human rights violations as it relates to the right to personal liberty.
The statement read, “Today the 15th day of September 2022 the Chief Magistrate presiding over the magistrate court Enerhen was at the police divisional headquarters, Enerhen for visitation to observe the situation of those in police custody.”
The DPO who was on the ground personally to ensure the smooth take-off of the exercise led the Magistrate and his team to the detention facility.
“Upon the visit to the cell only two suspects were in police custody and it is interesting to state that of the two suspects one was brought to the station yesterday while the other suspect was brought just this morning.”
Barr. Omes Ogedegbe, the Director General, and representatives of the Conference for the Actualization of Human Rights who were present during the visit commended the Chief Magistrate for his routine visit and highly expressed hope in the force with the likes of DPO Enerhen who like other police stations ensures suspects were not kept in his custody beyond the constitutionally guaranteed period.
The CONFAB leadership called on other magistrates to emulate Magistrate Azuka Egbon as there are police formations where persons are still been held without granting bail or arraigned in court after the period secured by law.