World News
After a short break, during this month, Motivational Strips, the world’s most active writers forum resumed the popular and world acclaimed ‘Golden Badge Honours’ for writers who exhibit exceptional literary skills in forms of essays, articles, poetry, quotes, books etc. An exhaustive evaluation to derive script value is considered before honoring or awarding the recipient. Thus the Golden Badge had always been the most popular amidst literary enthusiasts worldwide. It is a much respected accolade and collectible testimonial for a lifetime, within the writer’s literary career. Gujarat Government managed prestigious literary institution ‘Gujarat Sahitya Academy’ is also a joint associate with Motivational Strips to endorse this honor. The founder of Motivational Strips, Shiju H. Pallithazheth stated that the award meant serious evaluations and subsequent recognition of a poet or writer. He added that the honour covers works of writers from all continents. An unbiased opinion is reached before awarding the final recipient. Dr Vishnu Pandya, chairman of Gujarat Sahitya Academy stated that GSA would work jointly with Motivational Strips to make sure the deserving candidates are conferred with the Golden Badge Honours worldwide. He added that Golden Badge honour is a testimonial of literary excellence.
William Thomas Fearby (UK) , Carolyn Stransky (USA), Mary Lynn Luiz (USA) and Yanita Ismail (Indonesia) were conferred with this respectful honor last week for their outstanding poems. The Golden badge award keeps no national boundaries and covers literary scripts of all global languages.