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Life is like the morning dew that moistures the leaves in the early hours and flips out in the evening. Untainted beauty becomes a shadow overnight, the music we dance to, we hear no more. Death makes us handicapped and lazy; it seals our lips and only allows tears to roll from our nostrils. Is it true that Mrs Blessing Oghale Gbenekama is dead and people are coming to Fiyewei’s place together for the Service of Song? If so, what message will the preacher preach? Is it that the same fearful Book of Ecclesiastes? The book that only reminds us of sorrows and pains? LIFE is “Maran” Akpo!

When you lose a loved one, your mouth is sealed, your ears are blocked, and water keeps drizzling from your brain to the show of your nostrils–unexplained pains! People will come and go but the shadows of painful thoughts remain, not even alcoholic liquor or music will seal the pains–just be a man–they are part of life.


Life is transient. Those we saw yesterday flip away from our eyes like a now whose whitening brightness fades away from a solid state to liquid and melts to the earth so are men.


My pen cannot comfort High Chief Godspower Gbenekama JP, whose eyes are seeing human faces but tears melting his eyes to the brain. Grief tightens him as his loved and adorable wife and Personal Assistant now tinted with cotton wool, after a few month’s quest from the vineyard of her Master’s Convocation, and her social engagement. With her motherly and always hallowed prowess of friendly dispositions, today people will be gathering to sing and remind the mourning mind of Ecclesiastes book of life.


When death is far from you, you can comfort any man, but when it occurs at your palm, when you lose a loved one, life is like day and night over your roof. Fiyewei takes solace in God.


On the 1st of June 2024, at Mr and Mrs. Ebikeme Samuel Abai’s Marriage at Shell Ramp, she came to attend the family marriage with her usual sparkling beauty, I danced to honour her too and she hails the Talking Drum too, but I never knew that she is closing her book of life early. But today, June 12, is her service of song.


I am pained in mental grief that, this epistle of tribute to comfort the Fiyewei of Gbaramatu Kingdom is just to remind High Chief Godspower Gbenekama, Sir, let those coming around you with the same comfort you have given to those in their time of grief comfort you too. Yes, the Ibe-Benemowei of Gbaramatu Kingdom, Chief Kestin Pondi, Chief Matthew Pudie, and others, let their presence remind you that life is a journey, you have been a father whoi have ride on a rough and smooth tides, they look up to, let your soul be strong enough to bear the lost, let this pain should not turn you down, hold firmly onto the children she left behind as the products of her love to you.


She came, saw your darling care from Isoko, and you have not failed her nor her offspring her happiness with you.


The bond of love, the seal of life, flips away like Jp Clark’s river bird’s Streamside Exchange, Mrs. Blessing Gbenekama Jp is no more like tide and market come and go, so to Oghale. At her prime age of 40 years, she made her exit, wax away, and made us gather at her husband’s home in tears.


Adieu Oghale!

Adieu Late Mrs. Blessing Gbenekama Jp


The candlelight is extinguished, but your light is still on with your children as well as your husband Fiyewei.


Adieu, as you left in a hurry to Daumapere, may your soul find comfort in the divine Home of God where death is no more!


Good night!


Asiayei Enaibo

Talking Drum

Writes from GbaramatuVoice

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