Day 1: Ngbilebiri celebrates final passage rites of Pere Bigborogha II

By Stephen Asaba-ase
The Ngbilebiri-Mein community has gathered to celebrate the final passage rites of His Royal Majesty, Bigborogha II, JP, RFMIL, S.H, the revered Pere of Ngbilebiri-Mein Kingdom. The ceremony marks the culmination of a series of traditional rites and rituals, carefully performed to honor the life and legacy of the late monarch.
The final passage rites are a testament to the community’s deep respect and admiration for His Royal Majesty, Bigborogha II, who dedicated his life to the service and development of the Ngbilebiri-Mein Kingdom. The ceremony provides an opportunity for the kingdom to come together, pay their respects, and bid a final farewell to their beloved leader.
The event features traditional performances, cultural displays, and eulogies, all paying tribute to the late Pere’s remarkable life and achievements. The kingdom Chiefs, Princes , Princesses, elders, dignitaries, and guests have gathered to celebrate the life of a truly remarkable leader, whose legacy will continue to inspire and guide the Ngbilebiri-Mein Kingdom for generations to come.