By Asiayei Enaibo
Those who labour to read this piece will gain a new wit, in manner once told as by philosophers.
The long trend towards more book reading is as a result of the spread of education.
This is to gain more knowledge from one step to the other. Ms. Loveth Ojogun the phenomenal Young girl who was devotedly known as a fisher-girl from Benikrukru community in Warri South West LGA of Delta State found at ease to navigate her canoe to the River for fishing but was bitterly afraid of school going, forced down from a fishing Canoe by Mr. Solomon Odu Eris in her primary school days, too often she became accustomed to the tidal flows of fishing in the Niger Delta creeks, a well-calculated moment to understand the right time to go for fishing, but she has never partook in promotional exams, but there came a Messiah from the Benikrukru Zion when she was set go for fishing and garri selling in Egbema River with her mother, at that time of the night Solomon Odu the present Chairman of Benikrukru community was restless disturbed by God to rescue Loveth Ojogun, to open her eyes to the light of the world through education as a man devoted to God.
Yes, Loveth was forced to come down from the canoe to seat for her promotional exams, at Benikrukru. This singular action at that time, Mr. Solomon Eris was her greatest enemy, he was mentally called enemy of her fishing progress. This new orientation under educational duress motivated Ms. Loveth to have a new mind set. Her zeal changes positively, after her secondary school, Ojogun furthered her education to Delta State Polytechnic Ozoro with all hurdles and as part of her mandatory Industrial training, Loveth found her way to the Indigenous GbaramatuVoice Media Center to do her (IT) where the young Loveth who do not exactly know what is called a lead in News writing became so eloquent and devoted to her new experience and the sweetness of the Media practice, yes she later won the outstanding Best Industrial Training student of GbaramatuVoice Media Centre in 2017, a certificate of award, phone, and scholarship was given to her to finish strong like strong Delta, Loveth Ojogun was automatically employed by the GbaramatuVoice media Centre, to strengthen her capacity in the media world, since then, Loveth became a household female Journalist from the Gbaramatu Kingdom, particularly the Oil rich Benikrukru community host to Chevron Nigeria Limited.
Yes, the principle of a little learning is a dangerous thing, Ms. Loveth Ojojun began to further her education from OND to HND, this time, Delta State Polytechnic Ogwashi-ukwu to continue her mass communication studies, today, that Loveth Ojogun of Benikrukru is now a fresh graduate from the department of Mass Communication. That is why, as the General manager of GbaramatuVoice, the South South leading Newspaper from the Niger Delta region, I have set out my Opuozi Drum to welcome Loveth Ojogun home with a drum beat of welcome and what the society has for this young lady.
My dear friend, Let the oil that flames around your father’s backyard should be profitable to you not the pains of deprivation.
Yes, like my experience after leaving NCE those who promise to employ me said, they were looking for certificate higher than NCE, if I have BSC or BA, they will offer me a Job, yes I went to Delta State University Abraka, and I returned home to seek for the employment they promised me politically, yes, they told me the position they have is for MA/ MSC or PhD with 15 years working experience for either unemployed or employed and nobody is willing to employ anybody, some of us they have used to be an intellectual errand tools, So, use your ideas to create a warehouse like the principle of an ant.
I have thirst for knowledge so let me make a slight remark from a very old book from my late father’s library, “An Oxford Course in English Composition” a book for only then standard six pupils.
Thirst for knowledge,
“When a child first begins to take notice of the world into which he has been born, his speech consists almost wholly of questions. Why?_who?_which?_what? So, every sentence begins; for all around him, he sees wonder upon wonder, and he longs to understand fully everything he sees. As he grows older, however, he finds out that no one in a lifetime can learn all he wishes to know. The greatest scholars, the wisest philosophers, the keenest scientists are all children in the school of life; each adding to the sum of what is already known, and each passing away with many of life’s mysteries still unexplained. Yet, this thirst for knowledge is one of man’s noblest traits and has led him on, step by step, to wondrous heights”( p150)
The world of academics is a big forest, those who went in too deep have their dangerous experience.
By and by it was more book reading that killed Prof. JP Clark, untimely, this is a mental allegation I hold to more book reading.
Dear Ojogun, permit me to make a slight moderation from John Henry Newman’s Essay “The Educated man”
“Education challenges a people to learn new things about themselves and the world around them. It exposes past ignorance, encourages critical thinking, and expands the mind. An education provides the tools to communicate thoughts and emotions in the appropriate language, tone, and level of diction. Education should provide one with all the tools they need to be an independent, productive member of society.
An educated person has the ability to think critically and draw conclusions about the world around them. Critical thinking is important in everyday living because the beauty, tragedy, or growth you see and associate with a situation will influence your world view.
Education also gives the chance to see other people and situations differently. Preconceived notions, indifference, prejudices, and hatred begin to look foolish when you are educated and your mind becomes open to new experiences and groups of people. An educated person will make an effort to reconcile with their past opinions.
An educated person should have the ability to communicate their thoughts and feelings with the world around them at all times. They should be able to decide for themselves, according to their audience, the appropriate language, tone, and their form of delivery. For example, an educated person should know the difference between communicating frustration with their friends in slang and writing a formal letter of complaint.
Education provides the tools to be productive in society. An educated person already has the basic skills to function in a place of employment, such as the ability to communicate with others; think critically; and learn from experience with others- the rest is all training”
You have returned home within flying colors of happiness and anticipation from the vast forest of Education, it is a world full of foes and friends, when you are smart, you are an enemy, when you are too slower, you are an educated illiterate, now that you have conquered the many mosquitoes from Ogwashi-ukwu Polytechnic. May God give you all the certificate you wish to have in life as you strive in the labour market.
Dear Loveth Ojogun, if you lose interest in writing you have lost your value as a communicator. Writing is your strength and value, take note
A man is not only handicap by disability but when is voice is mute in the means of the societal transformation of the voiceless , he or she becomes disable to the society. You will have foes as well as friends, many will open doors for you, many will close doors against you but be consistent to be a watchdog. You will share gains and pains as life is build on this two cardinal words.
For I believe, someday, you will become a chief Press Secretary or Minister of information, or Her Excellency as you always wish. My encouragement to you is that man is an instrument to God to uplift man, for God should be your solace.
Your Colleague and General manager GbaramatuVoice, the Talking Drum, wish you the best to grow above the floating Lakuwas in River Forcados. And in concluding this congratulatory story, Ms. Loveth Ojogun should dedicate this certificate to Boan. Solomon Eris as the hero to her light as she becomes the heroine in a world of numerous challenges.
Asiayei Enaibo
The Talking Drum
Writes from GbaramatuVoice